Attention WCLS Student Athletes and Families: Tomorrow evening's Athletic Banquet begins at 5:00 pm. Looking forward to celebrating with you!

WCLS LATE START TOMORROW (Friday, March 7) for Professional Development. Arrive at 9:30; School begins at 9:45!

Reminder: If you would like to join us for WCLS Pacers Night on April 4, you need to order your tickets by tomorrow (Tuesday 3/4) at 5pm. Use this link to order: https://pacers.formstack.com/forms/wcls44

WCLS is CLOSED today, Thursday, Feb 20, due to winter weather. E-Learning WILL take place. Teachers will send instructions by 9 am. Stay safe and warm!

WCLS will operate on a 2-HOUR DELAY tomorrow, Monday, Feb 17. Stay safe!!

THANK YOU to all who attended, helped with, and donated for our 3rd Annual Benefit Dinner. The event raised $26,569 for our school program and scholarships!! What a blessing this community is to our students! You can view our "185 Reasons to Love White Creek" Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-MuLS5SMlo&feature=youtu.be

WCLS LATE START TOMORROW (Friday, February 7) for Professional Development. Arrive at 9:30; School begins at 9:45!

There's still time to get your WCLS Benefit Dinner Tickets! Join us NEXT FRIDAY (Feb 7) at the Fairgrounds for a GREAT TIME and a GOOD CAUSE! Call the office, email wvandercar@whitecreek.org, or go online to purchase seats. We hope to see you there!

WCLS will operate on a 2-HOUR DELAY on Wednesday, January 22. Our Chapel Service will be held at 10 AM.

WCLS will operate on a 2-HOUR DELAY on Tuesday, January 21 due to cold temps for buses and riders. Arrival at school at 9:30; class begins at 9:45. Stay Warm!!

The WCLS Board of Education is hosting the 3rd Annual "Good Times Great Cause" Benefit Dinner at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds on Friday, February 7 from 6:00 - 10:00 pm. The event includes a delicious catered meal from THE PINES, cash bar, and live music from the Keith Swinney Band! A short presentation and request for donations to support White Creek Lutheran School will be made. Tickets are $35/plate or $250 for a table of 8, and can be purchased online (https://www.whitecreek.org/page/dinner) or by calling the school office at 812-342-6832. We have limited seating, so reserve your spot soon. Thank you for your support!

WCLS Dismissal FRIDAY 1/10 will be from the FRONT DOORS. Enter and exit the grounds as you typically do for morning drop off. Do not drive down the hill and around the gym. Thank you!

WCLS: All afternoon and evening events at White Creek (basketabll games and archery practice) have been CANCELED for Friday, January 10. School dismissal is at regular time, but parents may pick-up early if they deem it best/safest. Please notify the office if you plan to come early. Stay safe!

WCLS Families,
Another round of winter weather is upon us! Our WCLS policy is to follow BCSC closing and delay decisions, except in special circumstances. Although it can be difficult to wait for their announcements, we plan to align with BCSC's plan for tomorrow (Friday, Jan. 10). As always, if school is in session, but it is unsafe for you to travel, please stay home. Weather-related absences will be excused.

2-HOUR DELAY for WCLS on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. BCSC bus will run on delayed schedule. In some areas, travel is still treacherous, so please use your own discretion and stay home if it is not safe for you to come to school. Weather-related absences will be excused.

WCLS CLOSED TUESDAY 1/7: Due to continued winter weather and poor travel conditions, WCLS will again be closed Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The teachers will be conducting an E-Learning Day. Please watch for an email message from your child's teacher with instructions for completing school activities for the day. Thanks for your good work and cooperation! Blessings,

Due to winter weather, WCLS will be closed Monday, January 6, 2025. The teachers will be conducting an E-Learning Day. Please watch for an email message from your child's teacher with instructions for completing school activities for the day.
God bless you and keep you safe and warm!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our White Creek Family! Enjoy the "2024 WCLS Christmas 'Special'" HERE: https://youtu.be/2urzAcNlZh4

WCLS Sports: Tonight's (12-17) Elementary Girls' Basketball game is CANCELED. The Elementary Boys' game time has been moved UP. Boys teams should report to the gym at 6:00 pm.

🎉CONGRATULATIONS to our Miss Sydney Morey who won the ✨️Reams Family Excellence in Teaching Award 🥇from the Heritage Fund of Bartholomew County! ♥️Miss Morey is a dedicated, hard working, creative and loving teacher - This honor is SO well-deserved!! We are blessed to have you, Miss Morey!✝️